One for the Parents...
Embarking on university life is a special landmark in the life of a student. The beginning of an amazing adventure, an exciting and mysterious journey, the prospect of which is often exhilarating and daunting in equal measure.
However, it is easy to forget that it is also a pivotal fork in the road for the parents of the student. Such is the relentless pace of life, they feel that only moments ago that their little baby was sleeping peacefully in their cot yet is now packing bags and heading off to student accommodation!
It is the start of an era for their son or daughter, but very much the end of one for all concerned, particularly Mum and Dad, who are about to watch their own flesh and blood gain an unprecedented level of independence.
Full of pride at their offspring’s academic progress? Absolutely. But also anxious about their arrival in the big, wide world? You bet. These are all natural emotions. There would arguably be something slightly amiss if Mum and Dad were not getting butterflies in their tummies about the impending changes.
At this stage, peace of mind means everything to a student’s parents. When their nipper flies the nest, they want to know they are going to be living somewhere safe and secure, as well as practical in terms of its geographical location.
Homes for Students is one of the UK’s leading providers of student accommodation. It has an excellent track record and takes pride in the fact that many of its student residents choose to return year after year and recommend the organisation to their friends.
It works in partnership with universities and student unions to provide students with the best possible learning experience. Homes for Students is also part of the ANUK national code, which demonstrates its commitment to providing good quality student accommodation.
Security and welfare are number one priorities, with an on-site management team providing any assistance students may need during their stay. CCTV is also present at the properties.
Booking a room for your son and daughter is straightforward. The application takes less than 10 minutes to complete and, once an account is set up, your son or daughter will be able to manage everything relating to their accommodation in one place. This includes making rental payments online.
When applying, students will be asked a series of questions to determine the type of room or flat they require, along with any special requests. Homes for Students makes every effort to meet the needs of students with disabilities or special needs. If your son or daughter has a medical condition, this can be flagged in the additional notes section of the application.
If your son or daughter is an international student, they will need a UK guarantor to secure a room, if they choose to pay their contract in instalments. Homes for Students has partnered with and, both of which will act as UK-based guarantors for international students.
Property teams oversee day-to-day security, cleaning, maintenance and health and safety within the student accommodation. Where possible, Homes for Students also recruits and trains students who live on-site to act as Student Wardens when the property teams are off-duty. Students Wardens can advise on safety, security and anti-social behaviour.
If something isn’t working correctly, a student can report the issue to the property team. Outside of property team hours, a help desk is on hand to take emergency calls relating to maintenance.
During your son or daughter’s stay, they will have the chance to attend health and wellbeing events which highlight topical concerns that some students may have.
And don’t worry Mum and Dad, you shouldn’t be faced with a bundle of dirty clothes every time they return home for a visit – all Homes for Students properties have laundry facilities!
For more information about your son or daughter’s stay at Homes for Students accommodation, visit